Project Description



Creation of the reliable infrastructure for data collection and processing. The infrastructure was to allow running numerous Java and Python components. Two databases Mongo and Zookeeper should be set up in such a way that their work could be uninterrupted and independent of the operability of the physical infrastructure components. The components – services were provided by the customer and their work was controlled by Java Virtual Machine.

Scope of work:

The outcome is a resilient (to the assumed level) infrastructure, which allowed an uninterrupted operation of the system through the use of cloud technology.


  • writing of system configuration scripts in Ansible allowing the infrastructure to be expanded efficiently as required
  • the use of WireGuard allowing secure VPN communication and application development in a secure environment – unaffected by traffic analysis
  • implementation and configuration of MongoDB for maximum data security
  • configuring Zookeper and creating a shared file system for the operation of some containers by using GlusterFS. With this configuration, the services were able to share config files independently of the machine hosting them.


Ansible, Wireguard, Docker, Docker Swarm, MongoDB, Zookeeper, Portainer, GlusterFS, earlier also: Jetty, Hibernate

Synestia sp. z o.o., ul. Lotnicza 145/B62, 54-132 Wroclaw, Poland. 6. Commercial Division of National Court Register maintained by the District Court for Wroclaw-Fabryczna in Wroclaw, KRS no. 0000738613,  tax identification number (NIP) 8943130140, capital of PLN 60 000